Ruth Humphreys -Storyteller

Ruth Humphreys is a storyteller, artist and writer based in Berkshire, England . 

“I call myself a storyteller for kids and inner kids. Telling stories both to children and families but also tales which connect with the playful inner child within us all….. “

Ruth’s mission is to help people reconnect with what they loved as a child and bring the essence of this into their lives today as an adult. She looks for moments of wonder and magic in each day and creates materials,  resources and reminders to help others connect with this too. 

Her intention in all that she does is to reconnect adults with the magic we often knew as children. She does this in a range of different ways. Including storytelling, books, arts, performance, videos and filmmaking within her company Wonderled productions.

Ruth’s inspiration comes from the things she sees every day, walks in the forest, moments of magic in the mundane as well as art and story.

“Look for the the magic… it’s always here”

Her dream is for all those who come across her work to see a glimpse of that childhood magic. Ruth’s work challenges the grey and somberness which often feels necessary as adults, and invites her audience to uncover colour, play, curiosity and the unknown.

Ruth’s work has been featured on BBC local radio, tv, magazine, podcasts including online magazines. She has told stories in theatres, enchanted forests, festivals, farms, holiday parks as well as care homes, parties and nurseries.


My experience and skills

  • BA in English and Information and Library Studies

  • Qualified Librarian with specialism in early years and families

  • Children’s books specialist and reviewer

  • 10+ years working in public libraries

  • 10+ years as a professional storyteller

  • Magazine editor and proof reader

  • TV and radio presenting experience

  • Community facilitator

  • Meditation leader

  • Trained in trauma informed practice

  • Social media manager and digital marketing

  • Technical writer and editorial assistant

  • Studied with mentors in business, creativity, personal development and social media since 2012

  • Published writings and art in anthologies and poetry magazines

  • Interviewed for podcasts, BBC local radio and articles

Selected interviews and podcasts

 Ruth has been featured on


Radio, TV and Podcasts

BBC Radio Berkshire
Marlow FM Radio Co Presenter
Moving on TV Co Presenter
The Creative Imposter Podcast
Rising Star Podcast
The Rebels Den Interview
The Career Kickstart Show
Summer Soul Play Camp

Guest Speaker

Dare to be Yourself

Local Community groups

Once upon a time.. the wonder of storytelling. Image Credit: L. Ellins


Live Storytelling Performances

Regular Storyteller at Norden Farm, Centre for Arts, Maidenhead including storytelling for school holidays, bespoke performances to promote Christmas show including One Snowy Night, Kipper, The Moomins, The Bear, Miki

Regular Storyteller at Center Parcs

Character storyteller ( Forest Fairy, Magical Witch, Easter Bunny)

Storyteller and teacher at Watercolor Cafe, Henley

Maidenhead Big Read Festival
Enchanted Fairy Festival
Maidenhead Bandstand

Yoga Festival
So Vintage Fair
Craft Coop


Author Interview for

Published Works

Contributing author- Dreamweaver - Edited by Angel Quintana

Published poetry in The Tor Stone online Magazine